Make grungy-lookin' label graphics |
A cool text generator! |
Cute Identity buttons like wot I use on my About Me page! |
Dither your images here |
Some neat HTML code snippets |
Javascript & DHTML effects to spruce up your site |
Tiled Backgrounds. This whole site is golden. |
The Useless Web | Random silly nonsense websites |
Hacker Typer | Pretend you're a hacker like on the teevee! |
Pokemon Card Maker | Make your own personalised Pokemon card |
A Dark Room | A minimalist browser- based game that's very addictive |
We Can Be Weirdos | Podcast containing Interviews with people about batshit stuff, by Dan Schreiber.
World of Books | A great place to buy books from!
Eric Barker | A decent wellbeing/psychology blog
Oglaf | NSFW. My favourite webcomic.